USD     Bought: 94.41 | Sold: 95.40
EUR     Bought: 100.85 | Sold: 101.70
CHF     Bought: 103.25 | Sold: 105.79
GBP     Bought: 117.18 | Sold: 119.63
AUD     Bought: 58.78 | Sold: 62.58
CAD     Bought: 66.64 | Sold: 72.16
USD     Bought: 94.41 | Sold: 95.40
EUR     Bought: 122.81| Sold: 123.59
CHF     Bought: 103.25 | Sold: 105.79
GBP     Bought: 117.18 | Sold: 119.63
AUD     Bought: 58.78 | Sold: 62.58
CAD     Bought: 66.64 | Sold: 72.16

News and Informations

Dita e Veres


Inauguration of the new bazaar
AK-Invest, in addition to providing financial products and services, always remains committed to contributing and supporting projects that help the community and improve its life, as part of the social responsibility of the society.
Summer Day this year celebrated not only the approach of summer, but also the inauguration of the New Bazaar of Tirana.
Ak-Invest was present and distributed gifts in the areas of Tirana, where the celebrations were organized.

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