USD     Bought: 95.01 | Sold: 96.50
EUR     Bought: 99.21 | Sold: 100.30
CHF     Bought: 104.18 | Sold: 106.18
GBP     Bought: 117.42 | Sold: 119.87
AUD     Bought: 57.23 | Sold: 60.92
CAD     Bought: 63.93 | Sold: 69.23
USD     Bought: 95.01 | Sold: 96.50
EUR     Bought: 122.81| Sold: 123.59
CHF     Bought: 104.18 | Sold: 106.18
GBP     Bought: 117.42 | Sold: 119.87
AUD     Bought: 57.23 | Sold: 60.92
CAD     Bought: 63.93 | Sold: 69.23

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